Suffering is everyone’s travail. We all face suffering and difficultly at some point in our lives, and in various ways. We lose jobs, family members pass away or get sick, dreams are dashed and ambitions are spoiled; marriages fall on hard times; children do not “turn out” as we hoped; tempers flair and temptations to sin do not seem to die down with age. Why all this difficulty? Why must the children of God suffer as we do.

There are many more questions that need answering, but please find five questions that I’ve answered as it concerns suffering in this Special Series on Suffering. 5 Questions to Consider when facing suffering.

Question 1: What is the Connection between sin and suffering?

Question 2: How does sin reveal itself in suffering?

Question 3: How do we fight sin while suffering?

Question 4: Why is suffering so hard?

Question 5: How do we pray while suffering?